
Producer of Discovery show Naked and Afraid claims it is not 'exploitative' to film contestants nude but that it creates a 'pure survival experience'

An executive producer behind new reality show Naked and Afraid - which involves contestants being dropped in the jungle without food, water or clothing - has said that nudity on the program was never mean to be 'exploitative'. 

Each week, a new pair of complete strangers - one man and one woman - find themselves stranded in and, quite literally, exposed to some of the world's most extreme weather environments. 

An executive producer on the Discovery show, which started last Sunday, explained that the nudity on the show is not exploitative but merely part of creating a realistic wilderness experience.

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Grimy: The contestants on Naked and Afraid had never met before being teamed up to survive in the jungle. Kim Shelton and Shane Lewis can't hide their exhaustion

Grimy: The contestants on Naked and Afraid had never met before being teamed up to survive in the jungle. Kim Shelton and Shane Lewis can't hide their exhaustion

Survival of the fittest: Nude castaways star on Discovery's Naked and Afraid.

Survival of the fittest: Nude castaways star on Discovery's Naked and Afraid. 

When asked if she thought that nudity would get more people watching the show, Discovery producer Denise Contis told salon.com: 'Well, we didn’t develop the show to be exploitative, ever. 
'We always developed it with our filter being ''how do we protect and it make it a pure survival experience?'''

The contestants private parts are blurred when the show is broadcast. 
Naked and Afraid is billed as taking 'survival of the fittest' to the next level - and dubbed 'the Everest of survival challenges'.

Each duo is left high and dry with no food, no water and and no clothes. They must survive on their own for a full 21 days, with nothing but one personal item each.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2347815/Creators-Discovery-Naked-Afraid-claim-exploitative.html#ixzz2XCTxNKoC
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